G Tech Group

Come creare un’applicazione aziendale per smartphone

Come creare un’applicazione aziendale per smartphone: la nuova frontiera commerciale per il tuo business online.

Mobile technology is irreversibly changing the way people connect, interact with each other and acquire the information they need. In fact, the mobile phone has acquired the typical functionalities of the computer, with the added possibility of calling and texting. As a result, we use this terminal very intensively, with hours and hours of screen time every day.

All this represents a great opportunity for companies to expand their business, an effective way to reaching out to customers e increase sales. Ecco perché piccole e grandi imprese hanno intravisto nella realizzazione di un’applicazione mobile uno strumento essenziale per la propria strategia commerciale.

Android and iOS app development for business: a great opportunity

Ci sono diversi motivi per cui dovresti realizzare un’applicazione. Aumentare la visibilità del tuo marchio è la ragione principale, ma non l’unica. Questo strumento risulta davvero utile per consentire ai clienti di interagire con te e i tuoi collaboratori, trasmettendo una sensazione di vicinanza e affinità tra brand e consumatore. Può difatti improving the customer experience offrendo all’utenza un’esperienza personalizzata, immediata e di gran lunga coinvolgente rispetto ad altri canali come il sito web o i social media. But it is also a powerful marketing tool with which to send notifications to customers about special offers, upcoming events, or to collect data on their tastes and preferences.

app development

All this packed into a single device, offering an additional and much appreciated service.

What to do before making your app

In any case, if you are interested in this topic, there are a few things you need to consider:

Well thought-out design and user interface

Quando si progetta l’interfaccia utente dell’app è importante considerare il modo in cui gli utenti vi interagiranno. Dovrebbe essere intuitive and logicalso that people can easily navigate and understand how to use it.

In addition, the design according to device type that will be used. For example, if used on a smartphone, it will have to take into account the size of the screen and the need to perform actions with the fingers. On a tablet, on the other hand, the measurements are quite different.

Infine, è importante valutare il contesto. Ad esempio, se l’applicazione verrà utilizzata all’apertothe design will have to take into account the possibility that users will have to interact with it in bright or low light conditions.

Come creare un’applicazione per smartphone

But here we come to the point: come creare un’applicazione company for mobile devices. If you are looking for a low-cost solution, you can make use of one of the many specially designed software packages, which are particularly suitable if you do not have high requirements. But if you intend to create a useful tool to promote your company, the situation changes.

In questi casi la cosa migliore da fare è quella di delegare la creazione e lo sviluppo del software ad un’agenzia specializzata able to develop the code and test it sul campo. Questo processo può essere abbastanza complesso, e quindi richiede l’aiuto di sviluppatori esperti come i nostri tecnici.

If you would also like to join the hundreds of customers who have commissioned us to develop their app, do not hesitate to contact us. Together we will evaluate the main models for an attractive design and develop an efficient and high-performance platform.

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