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D-U-N-S Number®: What it is, how it works and why it is essential for your business

D-U-N-S Number,company code,company identification,Dun & Bradstreet,company credibility,government contracts,international expansion,business identification,company number

cos'è il duns number e a cosa serve

The D-U-N-S Number®. (Data Universal Numbering System) is a unique identification code consisting of nine figurescreated by the company Dun & Bradstreet. Questo numero identifica un’azienda a livello globale e permette di verificarne i principali dati aziendali. È utilizzato in oltre 240 Countries and is required or recommended by many organisations, including the United Nations and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States.

What is the D-U-N-S Number for?

The D-U-N-S Number consente di stabilire un’identificazione chiara delle aziende e di metterle in relazione tra loro. È uno strumento particolarmente utile per le imprese che intendono espandersi a livello internazionale, stringere collaborazioni con altre aziende, o partecipare a gare d’appalto e forniture governative. Having a D-U-N-S Number It also transmits professionalism and reliability to business partners and potential customers.

How to obtain a D-U-N-S Number?

To obtain a D-U-N-S Number there are a few simple steps to follow:

  1. Visit the Dun & Bradstreet website: Go to the official website of Dun & Bradstreet (o di partner autorizzati) e seleziona l’opzione per richiedere il D-U-N-S Number. In alternativa, puoi contattare direttamente Dun & Bradstreet tramite telefono.
  2. Provide company information: Sarà necessario compilare un modulo con i dettagli della tua azienda, come il nome legale, l’indirizzo, il numero di telefono, l’email e il numero di dipendenti. Potrebbe essere richiesto anche il numero di identificazione fiscale o altre informazioni relative alla forma giuridica della tua attività (es. ditta individuale, società a responsabilità limitata, ecc.).
  3. Send application: Once you have provided all the necessary information, you can submit your request. Dun & Bradstreet will check the data and, if everything is correct, assign a unique D-U-N-S number to your company.
  4. Wait for confirmation: In alcuni casi, potresti ricevere una chiamata di conferma da parte di un rappresentante per verificare l’identità dell’azienda. Dopo la verifica, ti sarà assegnato il codice.

Advantages of D-U-N-S Number

Oltre all’identificazione univoca, il D-U-N-S Number può aprire business opportunities as contracts with governments or large companies, and can improve the credibility of your company in the eyes of investors and business partners. Moreover, it is often required for access to certain subsidies o public funds.

Se la tua azienda intende espandersi all’estero o partecipare a gare d’appalto internazionali, have a D-U-N-S Number is essential to facilitate transparency and trust in business relationships.

In summary, the D-U-N-S Number is an important identifier for any company wishing to operate in global markets or collaborate with prestigious institutions. Applying for it is a simple process, but of great value for the future of your business.

How to apply for the D-U-N-S Number®: Guide for companies and developers in the USA, Canada, Apple, Google and FDA

To request a D-U-N-S Number®. you can follow these steps according to your specific needs:

  1. I have a U.S.-based businessIf your company is located in the United States, you can apply for the D-U-N-S Number® directly from the Dun & Bradstreet website via an online form. You will need to provide detailed information about your company, such as name, address and contact details.
  2. I have a Canada-based business: Se la tua azienda si trova in Canada, il processo è simile a quello per le aziende statunitensi. Dun & Bradstreet Canada gestisce le richieste, e dovrai completare un modulo con i dettagli dell’azienda.
  3. I'm an Apple Developer: If you are an Apple developer and need a D-U-N-S Number® to publish apps on the Apple Store, you can request it directly via the Apple Developer portal, which will redirect your request to Dun & Bradstreet.
  4. I'm a U.S. Government Contractor or Grantee: If you are a US government supplier or grant recipient, it is mandatory to have a D-U-N-S Number® to participate in tenders and receive funding. You can apply for it through the Dun & Bradstreet website following the government guidelines.
  5. I need a UFI to register with the FDA: If you have to register with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), you will need a D-U-N-S number to obtain a UFI (Unique Facility Identifier). The Dun & Bradstreet site offers a specific section for this type of request.
  6. I'm a Google Developer: For Google developers, who need the D-U-N-S Number® to publish apps or run businesses on Google Play, the application process is the same as for Apple developers, via Dun & Bradstreet.

You can find more details and access the application forms on this page: Request your D-U-N-S Number.

Why the D-U-N-S Number® is crucial for the success of your business

The D-U-N-S Number®. is a crucial tool for any company wishing to grow internationally and increase its credibility. Obtaining this identifier not only facilitates business relations, but also opens the door to opportunities for contracts with government agencies and large companies. In an increasingly interconnected world, a D-U-N-S Number®. represents a sign of seriousness and professionalism, consolidating trust with partners, suppliers and customers.

D-U-N-S Number® FAQ

1. How can I obtain a D-U-N-S Number®?
You can request it directly on the website of Dun & Bradstreetby filling in a form with company information.

2. How long does it take to receive the D-U-N-S Number®?
The process usually takes 5 to 30 working days.

3. Is the D-U-N-S Number® free of charge?
Yes, in most cases, the D-U-N-S Number® application is free of charge.

4. Is it compulsory to have a D-U-N-S Number®?
Not always, but it is required to work with governments and large international companies.

5. Can I use the same D-U-N-S Number® for several locations in my company?
No, each location has its own D-U-N-S number.

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