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Php 7.4 news and updates, news about the new release

Php 7.4 new featureswhat has changed with the changes to the release distributed in late 2019.

When a user surfs the net, he does not realise all the complex organisation behind it. Special software is used to obtain search engine responses, so that bypass numerous cumbersome steps (or at least make them fully usable). A very short time interval may elapse between typing any search term and the final result, amounting to no more than a few seconds (depending on the speed of the line or the power of the device used).

This process is facilitated by the Php scripting language, generally the one most adopted with regard to the writing of server-side http app of a websitebeing free software, i.e. open source, and above all free of charge.

To understand how it works, we can understand it (in brief) as a tool used to make displaying the pages of a site. Therefore, when opening any page online, the Php code allows the browser of the person surfing the net to interpret it.

Php 7.4 new features

Over the years, the application has been periodically updated in order to optimise its use by programmers and simple users. On the day 28 December 2019 In fact, the new version of Php, namely the Php 7.4.


php 7.4 news



This release brought additional gestures that have improved usability. Beta versions had been released as early as June, with the final arrival at the end of last year. Among the main consequences we can mention a faster performance as well as better understanding of the code.

Php 7.4 new features: obviously also the WordPress sites are affected by the update. However, even today, a large proportion of users are still using older versions.

Php update, what changes with 7.4

Php 7.4 new featuresBelow we show the main changes made to the scripting language with the adoption of the latest version.

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