Android 11 update: what changes from the past

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Android 11 updatethe main new features that will be introduced with the imminent release.

Android is undoubtedly one of the largest operating systems on the market, with over a billion active users using it on their mobile devices. Over the course of time, the parent company Google has made numerous revisions in order to include additional features and optimise the user experience.

These are updates that have been distributed from year to year, up to the major release 10 Q of 2019. For the current year, however, the advent of Android 11 has been announced.

How to do Android 11 update

In the last quarter of the year, Google usually announces the final release of the new version of its operating system. The same will happen with theAndroid 11 updatewhich will hypothetically take place in October. However, as early as the beginning of 2020, developers and users could already begin to get a taste of it thanks to the previews and the beta released, starting with the preview that saw the light of day on 19 February 2020. Those who benefited first were, of course, users with Google's own Pixel phones (2 and up).

Android 11 update

Android 11 novelties

To follow the main update news Android 11 that we will see by default on the mobile devices that will get the update (most likely the top of the range devices of the last three years as well as last year's middle levels):

  • Wireless reverse charging;
  • Increased security on facial recognition,
  • Authorisation cancelled for applications that have not been used for a long time;
  • Fast Share mode, with which files can be shared via Bluetooth;
  • Connection between smartphone and PC by means of a code to be entered via wifi.

Reverse charging can be done between smartphones, or with a mobile phone charging to other devices such as earphones or smartbands. Very significant are the improvements on the Face Id. Previously the privacy was seriously jeopardised by unlocking using the closed eyes in many cases. From now on, fortunately, it will be necessary to use the 'eyes open' function to unlock the terminal screen.

For the battery, a panacea is the interruption for those apps that are not used. As far as connectivity is concerned, on the other hand, we can observe the great usefulness of the data exchange and the connection between computer and phone with the help of wifi, as well as the quick exchange between neighbouring phones with Bluetooth.

Android 11 update release

L'Android 11 update will be available as usual between September and October for Pixel users. In the months to follow, it will be the turn of the other manufacturers.

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One Response

  1. It may have improved in some respects, as you say, but in other respects it has worsened, and how! One for all: the adjustment of the various volumes, ringtone, alarm, media and so on, on previous versions there was a separate adjustment of the notifications. In version 11, the two volumes of ringtone and notifications are done together, which is a big str....a! Don't you think so? Like Windows 11, Android 11 has also taken a big step backwards.

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