What are the main risks of the web?

risks and dangers of the internet
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Web risksA detailed analysis of the most important dangers that can occur when surfing the Internet.

The web has become such an important part of our lives that we can no longer do without it. But as its popularity grows, so does our awareness of the risks associated with using the web, or so it should be. In fact, we do not properly consider how dangerous the web can be, especially if it is used with a lack of vigilance and care, all the more so if it is used by children as well as adults.

That is why in this article we will examine what dangers on the Internet we must keep in mind during online surfing sessions.

Why surfing the net can be dangerous

The Internet is a space that offers many advantages, we know that very well, but it also hides dark sides. I web risks are mainly related to the possibility of personal information which can compromise our normal existence.

Indeed, when you share personal data online, it can fall into the wrong hands and be used for malicious purposes. For instance, if you usually buy online, you will certainly use your bank details, typing them into the e-commerce. And if your device turns out to have been hacked, it is very likely that the cybercriminal will hoard your data, using it at will, essentially for malicious purposes. To remedy this, prevention is important, finding the solutions needed to limit the dangers of the webIt is not enough simply to use a strong and secure password or to avoid sharing personal data such as one's address or financial information with unknown persons.

Dangers of the Internet

But another aspect to consider is dealing with strangers who pretend to be someone else, hiding their true identity and intentions. Therefore, it is important to be careful who you meet online and never give out personal information to strangers.

Web risks, what are the dangers of surfing online

But let's take a closer look at what web risks to keep in mind. The main ones are:

  • Malware/virusare malicious programmes that can infect your computer and steal personal information. It is advisable to install an antivirus programme and to be careful about the websites you visit.
  • Hacker attacksA hacker attack is when a person or group of people try to infiltrate a computer system to gain access to data. You are advised to keep your operating system up-to-date and not to share your personal information online.
  • Phishing: si tratta di cyber attacks mirati a rubare le credenziali di accesso (come username e password) di un sito web o di un servizio online. Vengono eseguiti tramite email or instant messages, which appear to come from a trusted site but actually contain malicious links. It is advisable not to click on suspicious links and to check the sender's address before providing any information.
  • Fake websites: There are some fraudulent websites that appear to be legitimate, created specifically to scam users and steal their information, passed off as serious. It is advisable to always do thorough research before making any online purchase.
  • Online fraudThey can be committed by malicious persons trying to extort money or personal information. It is advisable never to send money to unknown parties and never to provide sensitive details (such as credit card numbers) to suspicious websites.
  • Identity theftidentity thieves try to obtain personal information such as social security number, address, credit card number and other generalities, especially to create fictitious identities for illegal purposes.
  • Unsecured navigationIf you surf online without protection, the data you send and receive can be intercepted by hackers or other malicious users. It is therefore recommended to use a secure connection, such as a virtual private network (VPN).
  • Downloading malicious softwareIt is possible to find unsafe or even harmful programmes that, once installed, take over your terminal, in many cases without you being aware of it. It is always advisable to download only from reliable sources and to read the licences carefully to see if the terms are acceptable.
  • False profiles on social mediaThis is an increasingly common problem, particularly on Facebook and Instagram. Hackers create fake profiles with the intention of stealing personal information or contacting victims for fraudulent purposes. One should be careful who one accepts as a friend on social networks and avoid revealing personal data with unknown persons.
  • DDoS attacksThis type of attack consists of bombarding a company's website with Internet requests, thus making it unreachable for users.
  • Minor risksThere may also be other minor risks, such as spam or navigation tracking, but these are considered less serious threats than those listed above.

Dangers of the Web

In general, in order to avoid problems when navigating, it is important to be cautious and take the necessary precautions.


The dangers of the web can be extremely harmful, both to our privacy than for our safety. Therefore, it is important to take appropriate precautions to avoid such risks and to surf the web safely.

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