Google Analytics is illegal, how to upgrade to GA4

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After the statements to opera of the guarantor of privacyaccording to which version 3 of Google Analytics is illegal, let's see together how to upgrade to number 4.

Google Analytics is a free service offered by the Mountain View company with which you can obtain all statistics concerning incoming traffic to your website. This information holds a very valuable relevance, as it is used in order to improve the usability of the site and, at the same time, better understand how visitors interact with it.

Its operation is essentially based on the collection of traffic data through the use of "cookies', i.e. small files that are downloaded to users' devices as soon as they visit a particular site. These enable Google to collect specific information such as the number of visitors, where they come from, and which pages they visit within the platform.

So, in essence, the data obtained through tracking activities serve to understanding how people behave within a siteIt also identifies any usability and browsing session problems. You can also use this information to understand how directing traffic to one's own site.

Google Analytics is illegal: what to do

We have seen how this visit tracking system is really useful for those who own a website and wish to improve the quality of the structure. But, as you can tell from the title, there has been big news on this subject in recent days.

google analytics is illegal

According to the Privacy Guarantor Google Analitics is illegal in our country and, consequently, in those belonging to the European Union. This is because the data acquired, later brought to America, does not  are sufficiently protectedThis is mainly due to the different privacy laws in force in the United States. Therefore, for a few days now, those who own release 3 of Analitycs have found themselves using a service that does not comply with current EU regulations. In fact, Google 'takes possession' of visitors' data and brings them to America, where it re-uses them for the circuit Google Adsbut with regulations that are misaligned with those in Europe.

This is a major headache that needs to be dealt with quickly and promptly. There is a twofold solution in this regard:

  1. By setting the IP address as anonymised, this means hiding the IP of visitors.
  2. Upgrade to the fourth version of G.A.

Those who have the older version of Analitics (number 3) must make the change in the settings. But a simpler and faster alternative is to download the new version (the GA4) as, after having done the upgrade, nothing more needs to be done, as the required setting is already done by default.

Switching to GA4

That said, let's see how to upgrade to Google Analytic 4. Simply click on this link and follow the guided procedure proposed by Google.

If you do not know how to proceed, we can help you by guiding you step by step to configure your website with GA4. However, you can alternatively rely on our tracking system analyticsgtechgroupcreated in compliance with current regulations.

google analytics is illegal,google analytics illegal,google analytics,google analytics update,google analytics 4,google analytics 3,google analytics gdpr,gdpr and google analytics,google analytics gdpr privacy watchdog,google analytics italian watchdog


It is a software with an immediate and clean interface, useful to have all information in one desk without invading the privacy of users. TI allows you to

  • monitor the actions of your visitors
  • knowing how many are online in real time
  • Record and display users' browsing sessions
  • know which pages they observe

All this of course without using your data, let alone selling it to third parties. A truly significant advantage over Google, with the possibility of deleting data at any time.

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