Online security in 2023: why use a password manager

how password manager works
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Eleva la tua online security nel 2023 con un password manager. Discover the advantages of using a reliable tool to protect your credentials with our comprehensive guide.

In a previous article we dealt with a rather thorny topic in the security field, namely how to choose a password that is effective and protect us from the actions of malicious attackers. It is no coincidence that, in recent years, the computer security has become an increasingly important issue for most people.

With the increasing amount of sensitive data we share online, the need to protect this data has become paramount, to say the least. And one of the most important things you can do to protect them is precisely to create secure passwords that are difficult to guess. But how do you remember all these complex passwords? The answer is a password manager.

What is a password manager

A password manager is an application that allows you to manage, generate and securely save all your passwords, instead of having to remember them and at the risk of forgetting them for good. Normally, you should have a different code for everything, e.g. one for entering your e-mail inbox, one for your social profile, another for your bank profile, and so on.

what a password manager is

Fortunately, this software guards them alland thus allows you to create strong and complex alphanumeric characters, without having to worry about having to memorise them, saving them accordingly within an encrypted archive. This is obviously protected by a master password, which you have to memorise to access the others.

When you then log in to a website or application, the programme automatically enters your password, so you don't have to type it in manually.

The best password managers around

If you are one of those who use the same password for several online accounts, it is therefore time to consider using a password manager, a software that helps you create and manage unique and complex passwords for all your online accounts, ensuring greater security for your data. Here are the top ones with excellent user feedback:

  1. LastPass

LastPass is one of the most popular and well-known password managers, available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. It offers a wide range of features, including the ability to create complex passwords, payment data management, password sharing and much more. It is free for users who wish to use it on a single device, but if you want to synchronise on multiple terminals, a subscription is required.

  1. Password

1Password is another popular password manager that allows creating complex passwords, saving payment information and sharing passwords with other users. It is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS and also offers an option for businesses. Available by subscription only, you can try the service free of charge for a limited time.

  1. Dashlane

Dashlane is another popular password manager that offers features such as creating complex passwords, saving payment information and sharing passwords with other users. Dashlane is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS and is free for use on a single device. To synchronise on multiple devices, a subscription is also required here.

  1. KeePass

KeePass is an open source password manager available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It offers features such as creating complex passwords, managing multiple password databases and generating random passwords. It is completely free and does not require a subscription.

  1. Bitwarden

Bitwarden is another open source password manager that offers features such as creating complex passwords, saving payment information and sharing passwords with other users. It is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS and is free for use on a single device. To synchronise on multiple devices, a subscription is required.

Why is it important to use a password manager?

Password manager,how does password manager work,what are password managers,what are password managers,what is a password manager,how to remember a password,how to remember all passwords,how secure are passwords

We have seen what password managers are and what function they play in safeguarding the security of your passwords. Most people use very weak and easily guessable solutions, such as their name, social security number or date of birth. This makes it very easy for digital criminals breach of security of your online accounts. By using a password manager, you can create complex, hard-to-guess passwords that are much harder to crack.

It also allows you to use different passwords for each account, without having to memorise them all. This means that if one account is hacked, your other accounts will not be compromised. Even if your main account is hacked, your other accounts will remain safe.

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